
How to Create a Grant Template with AI

With Grant Orb’s “Create Grant Template” AI feature, you can tackle any grant application in minutes. Create a grant template that mirrors your actual form and then use AI to generate the entire proposal in under 10 mins.

What part of the actual grant form does our AI capture?

Our AI generates a mirrored form containing only the narrative sections of the actual grant application. Once you have this customized form, you can complete it with AI in less than 10 minutes.

Grant applications typically consist of two types of questions:

1. Straightforward Questions: These include single-line responses, checkboxes, or multiple-choice questions that are relatively easy and quick to fill out.

2. Narrative Questions: These require more detailed and thoughtful responses, often involving extensive planning and consideration. These questions are time-consuming and demand a well-constructed narrative to effectively convey the necessary information.

Grant Orb helps you generate responses for the narrative questions, the most time consuming part of the application process.

Note, if you need help creating a grant template reach out to [email protected] and she can do it for you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Grant Template (Only Narrative Section)

Step 1: Click on the “Grants” tab in the menu, then select “Create Grant Template.”

click grants tab

Step 2: Name the application you are customizing, then click “Next.”

name application tab

Step 3: On the following screen you’ll come across the “Grant Form Wizard”. There are two ways to utilize the Grant Form Wizard:

grant form wizard

Option 1: Copy and paste the narrative sections of the grant application. Be sure to extract only the narrative sections that require lengthy responses from the original grant application. Since these sections are often scattered throughout the form, carefully go through the entire form and copy the relevant sections into the Grant Form Wizard. If you can number or bullet the sections it makes it easy for AI to understand and capture everything. Copy paste

Option 2: Attach the grant documentation that has the application questions. The AI will automatically extract the narrative sections from the document (ensure it is in PDF or .docx format). If the application form requires a login and no PDF documentation is available, log in to access the form, copy the narrative questions into a Word document, and then upload this file. upload file

attach file

Once you are ready to customize the form, click on “Create Grant Form.” The button will then change to “AI at Work.” If the “AI at Work” button reverts to “Create Grant Form” without producing a customized form, click “Create Grant Form” again. If the issue persists, please email [email protected]

ai at work

Step 4: - The AI processing takes approximately 3-4 minutes, for long documents it may extend up to 10 minutes. After processing, a pop-up will inform you that your form has been created. Scroll down to view the auto-extracted names, descriptions, and eligibility criteria. Below this, you will find the tailored form. extract eligibility

In the tailored form, you will see new titles and descriptions that match those in your original form displayed against a white background.

extract narrative

Step 5: Review the template. Ensure all narrative questions are captured. If AI misses couple questions you can add those sections using “Add Section” tab.

add section

If everything appears correct, enter the grant schedule (opening and closing dates of the grant application) and click “Publish Grant Application.”


Step 6: Once published, the grant form will appear under the “Grants” folder in the top menu, ready for use by you or anyone on your team. If the grant form has not been published, it will remain in the “drafts” folder.

grants folder

For any questions, please contact [email protected].

More Grants Less Stress, Win More
Grant Orb Inc. Vancouver, Canada
Contact us at [email protected]
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