
How To Write a Winning Grant in 5 Mins With Grant Orb's AI

In the age of AI, grant writing requires you to do less - you provide brief instructions and AI does the heavy lifting of developing and writing the proposal.

This is a step by step guide on how to write a complete winning grant proposal in under 5 minutes using Grant Orb’s AI. There are two ways to get started, you could either use, “Grant Wizard” or start with an outline by clicking the “Create” tab.

Grant Wizard is a great way to get started if you need help coming up with an outline for your project.

Step 1: Use Grant Wizard, briefly enter the details of the project you’re seeking funding for. Mention the project, location, budget, who it’s aimed at, your organization’s name etc. You can go up to 1000 characters in describing the project. Don’t worry about your spellings or english just casually describe the project.

Grant Wizard

You can also attach files relevant to this project for instance a pdf that has information about your organization and past activities or a concept note written about the project or a rough budget outline. Or you want to use content from a previous grant of a similar project. You can attach multiple files. AI will take all the attached files into consideration when creating a proposal outline.

Grant Wizard Attach Files

Once you’re done describing your project click on “Create Outline”

Step 2: The AI uses the information from the Grant Wizard to auto create a proposal outline. Adjust the details of the outline to match your project requirements. Make sure you provide the statistics related to your cause, the right budget, name of the key personnel involved in the project etc. Again be brief, the goal at this step is to tune the outline to meet your project specifics. The AI takes the information provided in the proposal outline to write an entire grant proposal for you.

Grant Outline 1

Grant Outline 2

Grant Outline 3

Grant Outline 4

Grant Outline 5

If you’re applying to a donor that has stated their eligibility criteria, you can copy-paste the criteria from their website into the “Eligibility Assessment” box or attach the eligibility documents and the AI will do an assessment to show how your project aligns with the donor’s giving mandate.

Eligibility Assessment

Once you’ve adjusted the outline to meet your project details, click on “Create Proposal”

Step 3: Sit back and relax while the AI writes the proposal for you. It takes about 3-5 minutes for the AI to write a complete multi-sectional proposal. You also get an email notification with a link to the proposal once it gets created.

Generating Grant

Grant Created

Full Winning Grant

How to revise and update your proposal with AI

You can make manual edits to this proposal by simply clicking on the “Edit” tab above every section.

Edit Grant Sections

You can make big revisions by using our update with AI feature. Update with AI ensures consistency and coherence across the proposal. It ensures all the related sections get updated with the new information that’s added.

To revise with AI, click on “Update Proposal”, on the menu above the proposal title.

Update Grant Button

After you click on “Update Proposal” the proposal expands to show the inputs for every section. Add the new information in the input sections.

Update Grant Outline

Once you’re done providing new information under relevant sections, click “I’m ready to generate the proposal”

Update Grant Outline

How to get the generated proposal out from Grant Orb?

It’s simple, click on “Actions” on the menu above the proposal title. As seen in the image below you can either click on “copy text” to copy the full proposal to paste it in your document or you can “Save as PDF”.

Grant Actions Button

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Grant Orb Inc. Vancouver, Canada
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